This tukutuku is all about my family and Matariki
The triangle is Puhanga tohora My maunga and every year on Matariki we will go up there and we will try spot Matariki. or, we will have dinner together. my favorite dinner to celebrate Matariki Is Pizza. The four yellow stars in the maunga is me my Oldest sister Alexis My younger sister Revere And my older Brother sheridan. The two white top ones are my parents My mums name is jennifer and my dad’s name is Harley. The two purple ones at the bottom are my nan and koro my nans name is Tai and my papa name is Tau.
The nine stars on the side is Matariki. I thought the purple and the blue will be a good colour for the background because I wanted my background to be something like a pattern so I picked the dark blue because I liked the color and It looked bright And with the pattern I picked the purple because it blends in with the dark blue and I thought it was amazing.
I picked me and my siblings yellow because we all like caramel chocolate and so I picked the color yellow because the caramel chocolate is a type of yellow color. My mum and dad got white color because my mum and dad like white walls and likes everything white.
My nan and koro got purple my nan and koro likes to the color purple and one time they got me purple headphones. Matariki got random colors because they all mean different things but they are all family.
By Jayden Thomspon